AEHS Newsletter 2020 #2
Compiled by Tom Fey and Tony Ward
Published 1 Jun 2020

The Great Horsepower Race, written by AEHS member and AEHS 2016 Convention presenter Calum Douglas, has gone to print. The pandemic mess has wreaked havoc with everything including printing schedules, but the excellent number of pre-orders has secured its place in their publication and printing queue. It is hoped that the book will reach readers by September of 2020.

From Calum:

If you intend to buy one please do pre-order it as it helps the publisher to see how popular it will be and might mean we get a bigger print-run...
This won’t be a print-on-demand, but a high quality hardback so it’s a good long-term investment.

With the cooperation of Gli Archivi Ritrovati an italian edition of the book will also later be released. It will contain added information on the Italian engine industry (Con la collaborazione de Gli Archivi Ritrovati stiamo realizzando una versione specifica del libro, che conterrà capitoli aggiuntivi sugli sviluppi dell'industria motoristica italiana).

Order Direct from the Publisher (preferred as it supports printing directly):

Order from Amazon UK     Order from Amazon US


AEHS Members Daniel D. Whitney and John M. Leonard have released their latest book V-1710 and V-3420 Designs and Concepts, Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust Technical Series No. 13. This book provides numerous drawings and engineering explanations that document many developments previously unknown to historians and enthusuiats. If ever there was a volume that contains the breadth of Allison's design imagination, this is the one.

The AEHS is a volunteer organization designed, guided, and administered by essentially one overly-dedicated person. If any of our members have skills in website or database administration, or have the desire to contribute their skills and energy in large or small ways to the organization, please contact our President Kim McCutcheon through the AEHS website.

The Ford 2020 meeting to visit the Ford Museum and other sites scheduled for October 6 and 7, 2020, in Dearborn, Michigan remains on the books. Until conditions (i.e. unacceptable risk to our friends, unavailability of the museum, hotel facilities, etc.) warrant a firm decision there are no unrecoverable costs (beyond perhaps airline tickets) until late summer. So stay well, stay tuned, and watch the AEHS Message Board for updates.

An interesting, subtitled video documentary about discovering, recovering, and restoring IL-2 Sturmovik to flight in Russia. This is not the FHCAM aircraft.

The Bristol Britannia was a mid-1950s airliner powered by four Bristol Proteus 765 turboprop engines. An impressive 1997 flight display video is available for viewing.

A Pratt & Whitney R-2800-32W “sidewinder” in running condition in a F4U-5 Corsair. The supercharger whistle is hypnotic.
Video 1     Video 2

More on Manned Electric Flight
Video 1      Video 2      Video 3      Video 4

The remarkable Peter Sripol builds and flies his own electric aircraft (video).

Flying Morane MS 406 with V-12 Hispano Suiza engine (video).

Miniature Engine Masterpiece Photos