The Lycoming XR-7755
Working Topic 1943
by Kimble D. McCutcheon

8 Jan 1943 – History of Lycoming's Large Engines and Their Potential Use in the Convair B-36

BX Engine Installation in the CVAC XB-36

Sometime in late 1942 the Army Air Corps asked CVAC to compare the Lycoming BX to the P&WA Wasp Major, which had been selected to power its XB-36 bomber. On 8 Feb 1943, CVAC released its report, "Study – Lycoming BX Engine", which included drawings, an installation narrative, and performance and weight comparisons.



The engine, attached to the rear spar, drove a pusher propeller located aft of the wing trailing edge. Two General Electric type BM turbosuperchargers per engine were located side-by-side in the lower portion of the nacelle. Cooling air to the coolant radiator, oil coolers and intercoolers was supplied from leading edge ducts and exhausted through an annular opening around the propeller spinner. Flaps controlled the cooling air flow control for each cooling unit by varying its exit area. A main air duct leading from the wing leading edge divided into three just ahead of the rear spar; the center duct supplied the coolant radiator and the outer ducts supplied the oil coolers on either side of the coolant radiator. The two intercoolers, located outboard of the oil coolers, had separate leading edge entrances on either side of the main duct entrance.

Ground cooling was achieved via augmenters into which a portion of the exhaust from the aft three cylinders of the upper two cylinder banks was discharged into the radiator and oil cooler ducts near the duct exits. These exhaust jets entrained cooling air, augmenting its flow through the cooling system. Exhaust for the augmenters came from an auxiliary exhaust manifold connected by a valve to the upper-cylinder exhaust manifolds. This auxiliary manifold was only used for ground operations as the valve retracted flush against with the main manifold and closed the auxiliary outlet during normal operation. Cooling for the engine exhaust shrouds was provided by air led from the engine air inlet ahead of the turbocharger and discharged into the intercooler ducts aft of the intercoolers near their exhaust duct exits. For ground operation, air from one of the two turbochargers was bypassed to the exhaust shrouds. Backflow to the normal inlet was prevented by a valve, which for normal operation closed the bypass duct. The engine compartment was ventilated directly from a duct located between the two turbocharger air intake ducts. This air dumped into the engine compartment and exhausted through ports in the radiator and oil cooler ducts just aft of the augmenter jets. Ventilation for ground operation was provided by jets in the radiator and oil cooler ducts.

Dual General Electric type BM turbochargers provide greater economy for cruising operation. At high altitudes and low powers where the turbocharger efficiency begins to drop, provision is made for bypassing one turbocharger, thereby doubling the exhaust gas flow through the other turbocharger and maintaining good turbocharger efficiency.

XB-36 Study with Six Liquid-Cooled Turbosupercharged Lycoming BX versus P&WA Wasp Major Engines
The better BX engine cruising performance is largely due to the lower sfc (0.37 versus 0.40 lb/hp/hr). Takeoff is also improved due to the BX engine's higher horsepower (3,150 hp versus 3,000 hp).
Metric Condition 1
BX Lower SFC Increases Range
Condition 2
BX Lower SFC Increases Bomb Load for 10,000 Mile Range
Condition 3
BX Lower SFC Reduces Fuel and Gross Weight Required for 10,000 Mile Range with 10,000 lb Bombs
 BXWasp MajorBXWasp MajorBXWasp Major
Gross Weight (lb)265,000265,000265,000265,000251,500265,000
Maximum Range (mi)10,75010,00010,00010,00010,00010,000
Bomb Load (Dropped 1/2 Range)20–500 lb20–500 lb35–500 lb20–500 lb20–500 lb20–500 lb
High Speed at 30,000 ft (mph)366*369366*369369369
Service Ceiling at 0.3 Range (ft)40,80040,00040,50040,00041,30040,000
Takeoff Over 50 ft Obstacle (ft)4,7505,0004,750,50004,3505,000
* The lower BX engine installation drag is estimated to increase top speed by 2 mph; however, using the available gear ratios and favoring cruising gives a propeller tip speed loss that reduces the top speed by 5 mph, thereby giving 366 mph for the BX engine installation.



Estimated Weight Comparisons for the XB-36
(Six Lycoming BX Engines versus Six P&WA Wasp Major Engines)
Wasp Major
Engines (6 with two-speed reduction gear, including 15 lb/eng for residual oil)19,89020,636
  Engine Mounts (6)1,8201,520
  Flexible Mounts420804
Engine Accessories  
  Turbochargers (12)3,0003,000
  Turbocharger Supports8989
  Intercoolers (12)851851
  Intercooler Supports4848
  Oil Coolers (12)800642
  Oil Cooler Supports3530
  Exhaust System (excluding heat exchangers)1,7501,575
  Air Ducts1,170932
  Fuel Pumps (6)2424
Power Plant Controls  
  Turbocharger Controls2020
  Turbocharger Regulators4545
  Regulator Supports1515
  Throttle and Mixture149149
  Cooling Air Exit Flaps250119
  Power Plant Controls in Fuselage120120
Propellers (6)   
    Gear Boxes and Shafts150150
    Portable Starter and Shaft5050
  Fuel (excludes protection)737737
  Power Plant Instruments113113
    Coolant (70% ethylene glycol, 30 gal/eng at 9 lb/gal)1,620
    Coolant Radiators (6)1,650
    Piping, Expansion Tank, Radiator Supports450
Total Power Plant44,25341,964
1) Other items in weight empty are estimated to be the same for both engine types
2) Increase in weight empty with BX engine = 2,289 lb.
3) Decrease in fuel to maintain constant gross weight (oil is 4% fuel by volume) = 2,289 / 6.3 = 363 gal


1 Jun 1943. Materiel Command (hereinafter MatCmd) civilian employees J. Glen Blackwood and Opie Chenoweth briefed Lycoming representatives W.K. Cooper, Samuel K. Hoffman, P.G. Garlent and E.A. Johnson on an engine development program in which Lycoming might participate. It was a long-range bomber engine with a 5,000 hp takeoff rating, very low cruise specific fuel consumption at 25 to 80% normal power, two-speed dual-rotation reduction gear, fuel injection, 36" height if practical and Grade 130 fuel usage. No constraints were placed on design, cylinder arrangement, number or size. No altitude rating was required although an exhaust turbosupercharger could be used to provide sea-level power at altitude or achieve takeoff power. MatCmd suggested that Lycoming's program might include calibration and 50-hr endurance tests of several different-sized cylinders, twin-cylinder endurance test, design studies and calculations for the full-up engine, durability tests on the two-speed reduction gear, fuel injection, coolant pump, ignition system, accessory section, oil pump and similar items, an option of furnishing a few engines. Additional items could then cover 50-hr and 150-hr tests. Chenoweth expressed a preference for a fixed-price contract. MatCmd and Lycoming at that time referred to this proposed engine as X-5. This was essentially a twinned XH-2470 with 48 cylinders.[8 Jun 1943 Memorandum Report ENG-57-503-888. Conference between Lycoming and Materiel Command Representatives on a Proposed Engine Development. RG342 RD3024 Engines - Lycoming - General 1933-45 (XR-7755)]

18 Jun 1943. Lycoming had abandoned the X-5 concept in favor of the X-6 (described below). A conference at the Materiel Center included Collins and Hoffman from Lycoming, and Col Gillespie, Chenoweth and Blackwood from MatCmd. A later meeting included Collins and Hoffman from Lycoming, and Lt. A. Dernbach (Propeller Lab), Mr. Dunham (Aircraft Lab) and Blackwood. Lycoming proposed to pick a cylinder size and concentrate on its development, making the best possible engine with that size rather than experimenting with different sizes prior to engine development. Lycoming's first choice was a 6.125" x 6.250" bore and stroke, with which it hoped to save time by using existing piston forgings. This choice resulted in a multi-cylinder engine with the following characteristics:

MatCmd suggested that this engine might weigh more than an engine using fewer crankshafts. Hoffmen said that studies made of radial designs revealed that the master rod, crankpins and knuckle pins become so large that there is no weight savings. While MatCmd considered the X-6 engine arrangement satisfactory, Chenoweth opined that the relatively small displacement might result in sacrificing sfc or power. Chenoweth suggested to err on the side of too much displacement in order to safeguard future development and limit bmep to 190 psi.

A cylinder size discussion resulted in calculating the following data:
Bore x Stroke
Displacement (in³)bmep at 2,900 rpm (psi)
6.125 x 6.2506,629.56206
6.375 x 6.3757,325.42186
6.500 x 6.5007,664.84176


Hoffman agreed to study the 6.500" x 6.500" cylinder size as a means to reduce bmep and increase sfc. MatCmd suggested eliminating the gear-driven supercharger since it reduced sfc due to the power required to drive it; the turbochargers could be used instead. Hoffman was reluctant to pursue such a radical design. [Penciled notes by J.G. Blackwood. RG 342 RD2311 XR-7755, 1943-1948: 503-602 Conf and Tel Notes.]

28 Aug 1943. Letter Contract W 33-038 ac-564 (11169) for single-cylinder experimental engines applicable to Lycoming X-6 development was signed.

18 Nov 1943. Prescott visited Lycoming and came away with the following observations: [Penciled notes by J.G. Blackwood. RG 342 RD2311 XR-7755, 1943-1948: 503-602 Conf and Tel Notes.]