Masschi (France)

Masschi Motors, in France, are developing an HOAE for light aircraft. This engine has been designed and is in development by the brothers Stefaan and Paul Masschelein, who were principals in both the Masquito helicopter and its engines, along with the brothers Stephane and Marc Deschrevel. It is not known whether the new Masschi 105 is also developed from a Jabiru 2200, as was the Masquito M2.6. However, the M2.6 was air coooled with forced air, while the new Masschi 105 is liquid cooled with a slightly smaller cylinder bore. The details below, and more, can be found on the Masschi Website.

OL-153 -- {4.083 / 2.913 / 152.6} / {103.7 / 74 / 2500}

4cyl; Masschi 105; 80hp@2850rpm; 2006-present; Wt = 110#.
Liquid-cooled, carbureted engine with dual, electronically-controlled ignition.
Masschi Website.
Applications: None found.


Updated 7/18/07