Global Machine Tool (US)

Global engines are Volkswagen auto engines converted to 1/2 VW aircraft engines by Global Machine Tool in the United States. Little is known by the compiler about the firm, but it is believed to have operated in the 1980's until it closed late in 1986 (SA4/89). Global sold engines to Nostalgair for application to their N3 Pup light aircraft and the firms were apparently financially linked (SA4/89). The Global engine assets were bought by Mosler, Inc shortly afterwards (SA4/89).

O-48 - - {3.346 / 2.717 / 47.8} / {85 / 69 / 783}

Same stroke as O-56.

2cyl; Global 25hp. 1/2 VW; 25hp@3250rpm; 1980-1986; Wt = 74#.
Used new, short, magnesium crankcases.
Applications: {US} Nostalgair (later Preceptor) N3 Pup.

O-56 - - {3.622 / 2.717 / 56.0} / {92 / 69 / 917}

Same stroke as O-48.

2cyl; Global 35hp. 1/2 VW; 35hp@3250rpm; 1980-1986; Wt = 74#.
Used new, short, magnesium crankcases.
Applications: {US} Hummel Hummel Bird; Nostalgair (later Preceptor) N3 Pup; Omni Questor; Sorrell SNS-2.



Updated 8/16/05