AED Spitfire engines were built by Advanced Engine Design of Pontiac, Michigan. Little has been found to date about this firm except that they built a family of two-stroke cycle ultralight engines with the same bore and stroke in versions with one cylinder, inline two and four cylinders, and the two-cylinder HOAE described here. Some engine versions were air cooled and some, like the HOAE, were liquid cooled.
OL-27 (2-Stroke) -- {2.697 / 2.346 / 26.8} / {68.5 / 59.6 / 439}
2cyl; Spitfire 440 LC; 60hp@8500rpm; 1981-1983; Wt = 55#; TC = none.
Liquid-cooled, single or dual capacitive-discharge magneto-ignition engine with two carburetors and geared to N/A.
BGP; Brinks.
Applications: None found.